So, my fall back is "yeah, well the election ain't over. He probably won't win the Democratic primary. Hillary is the favorite and she is white too. Let's see him do something about that." But then the way things are going he very well might.
In that instance I am sure my response will be "Oh, well. He got the Democratic primary but he won't get the general election. McCain is going to probably win since he is a Republican and plus he is white too." But who knows. It could happen.
If if does then I will fall back into "well, he is still part of the white supremacist system that suppresses Black, Brown and Red people at home and abroad. Besides the government is all about white folk and they still hold the primary and predominant decisionmaking positions and roles in government."
It is like the old observation that first you deny it. Then if you can't deny it, acknowledge it but deny that it is significant. Then if it becomes undeniably significant, claim you was on board all along just trying to keep it real. (smile)
It is surprising to me that he is doing as well as he is. But then we see that Black folk have uncritically accepted him as a native son (including me as well). Some whites (especially young ones) have jumped on the bandwagon. But I cannot deny that the president of the university where I work was an early adopter along with several other white people at the school. It will be interestings to see how it all works out. I am still waiting for the votes to be counted.
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