Saturday, February 04, 2006

Moving on past memories

I am not really moving on in my mind and putting memories once had aside. Neither am I taking action based on and through energy supplied by former thoughts or ideations of experiences once had and now only possessed in as much as I am possessed by them.

I am in a space that allows me to dream of a tomorrow that is only that which today is not. I feel good about what is, what was and what may be. It is a part of a larger process that affords me the chance to celebrate the existential reality that our existence exists more in our head than in our hands. We strive against the wind and try to hide from the air. But as a mother, they cuddle and nourish us. They provide succor and satisfaction.

Bush gave a state of the union speech that did not address at all the social glue that holds the union together and its current state. I mean what is he comparing it to? I think his movement is past memory and now languishes in fevered dreams.

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